Training and Research
Hammoud Hospital University Medical Center (HHUMC) recognizes the significance of learning and career development in the progress of the institution.
Training and Research
HHUMC is committed to continuous learning and training the next generation of health care leaders. We strive to advance and change the standard of care by developing and leveraging scientific research and innovation.
Our Vision: To ensure that HHUMC has the best resources to support ongoing medical education and clinical research for its medical staff.
Our Mission: To ensure the selection of the most qualified physicians capable of providing specialized care to HHUMC patients, and to provide privileged access to outstanding physicians in the region.
Health Services: HHUMC offers patients a full range of health services in more than 30 specialty and sub-specialty areas.

How to apply for Admission Privileges at HHUMC
Contact the Medical Administration Office at ext. 1956
Or send an email to:
HHUMC Residency and Fellowship Programs
Mission: To provide high quality clinical knowledge and educational opportunities for health care professionals.
Vision: To create future physician leaders by providing academic and clinical training and to be among the best teaching hospitals in Lebanon by providing clinical knowledge to medical students.
HHUMC offers residency and training programs in almost all specialties and many medical subspecialties, and has a dedicated group of certified physicians and clinicians who are at the forefront of the teaching process in all aspects of healthcare.
HHUMC is committed to providing quality care and ensuring the education and training of the next generation of health care professionals. We are dedicated to working with our colleagues to best serve our patients while preserving their right to professional education.
Available Training programs
1. Internal Medicine
2. Pediatrics
3. Obstetrics and Gynecology
4. General Surgery
5. Laboratory Medicine
6. Diagnostic Radiology
7. Anesthesia and Reanimation
8. Emergency Medicine
9. Open heart surgery
10. Urology
11. Orthopedic surgery
12. ENT
13. Infectious diseases
14. Gastroenterology
15. Pneumology and intensive care
16. Cardiology and invasive cardiology
17. Nephrology
18. Hematology and Oncology

HHUMC Clinical Trials & Research Unit
What Is Clinical Research?
Medical advances arise out of a partnership between physician scientists, who study ways to improve health and lessen the burden of disease, and the patient or volunteer, without whom medical progress would cease.
Clinical research involves carefully conducted investigations that uncover better ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat human disease. Did you know? Antibiotics, vaccines, and cancer treatments are just a few of the many medical advancements made possible by clinical research.
HHUMC Clinical Research Unit was established in 2008, it is directed by professor Fadi Farhat a well known principal investigator in Hematology & Oncology researches. Till current date HHUMC CRU conducted and is participating in more than 70 international clinical trials in cooperation with local and international CRO’s. The majority of clinical trials are Phase II, phase III and Phase IV in the field of Hematology & Oncology, Endocrinology, Cardiology, Dermatology, Infectious Diseases and Gastroenterology in addition to many observational trials.
An Institutional Research Board (IRB) oversees the safety and welfare of participants in human subjects’ research projects in accordance with all applicable country law and institutional policies, and national law when applicable. HHUMC assures that all research involving human subjects will comply with the principles of the Belmont Report and that all National regulations governing research involving human subjects will be followed. Additional regulations by US bodies are followed for research funded by US sponsors. The Medical Director is the signatory official for HHUMC and assumes, on behalf of the institution, the obligations imposed by the national regulations.
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is the committee formally designated to review the conduct of research to protect the rights, safety and well-being of all human subjects recruited to participate in research activities conducted at HHUMC regardless of funding source. At HHUMC there is one IRB, and is responsible for reviewing all research protocols that involve human subjects. It also reviews research by any Physician involving an investigational device, drug or testing, research requiring an IND (Investigational New Drug) registration. Its members are nominated by the Chairman of the Board.
The primary mission of the IRB is to protect the rights, welfare and privacy of all individuals participating in biomedical, social and behavioral research activities, including field or off-site research conducted by HHUMC staff. The IRB conducts reviews of proposed research studies employing an assessment process that determines that the methodology used is consistent with sound research design and that the risk to participants/subjects is minimized. The IRB also provides interpretive assistance and support to the research community. The IRB is guided by the ethical standards described in the Belmont Report, as well as WHO Standards and Operational Guidance for Ethics Review of Health-Related Research with Human Participants, institutional, local, and national regulations governing human subject research as applicable.
The Nursing Continuing Professional Development Department
In keeping with HHUMC's mission to provide quality nursing care in an integrated educational and research environment, the Department of Nursing Professional Development offers a wide range of educational opportunities for all nursing professionals as well as specialists and administrators in a variety of disciplines related to clinical practice as well as professional and management programs.
Our ultimate goal is to continually update the knowledge and skills of health care providers, maintain their clinical competence, assist them in achieving their career goals, and enhance evidence-based practice.
Our range of services includes:
- Orientation training for newly hired nurses.
- Providing further education and training to meet needs analysis, certification standards, and professional requirements for nurses.
- Professional development at the unit level.
- Training programs in collaboration with external agencies.
- Competency assessment of staff
Dietetic Internship Program
The HHUMC Dietetic Internship Program is a 6-month supervised clinical practice for graduate students from affiliated universities. It accepts students with a bachelor's degree in nutrition who wish to obtain a professional qualification as a nutritionist in Lebanon.
The program is designed to prepare trainees to start their profession as a dietician and provide them with the proper training to pass the Ministry of Higher Education (MEHE) National Colloquium Exam.
In addition, the program follows the requirements and guidelines of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The Dietetic Internship Program covers three main aspects of nutrition: Clinical Nutrition, Food Service Management and Community Nutrition.
The program includes research, staff training, education and professional seminars.
Interested students can submit an application form to the HR department. Due to the increased number of applicants, we select students based on certain criteria:
- Passing score on the entrance exam.
- Good presentation and communication skills during the interview.
- Good academic standing (cGPA).
- Acceptance is based on review of academic preparation and past work experience.
For more information, please contact Ms. Jana El Nakouzi, Food Services Manager, Senior Dietitian and Internship Coordinator.
Her e-mail:
Her number: 07723111 ext 1102/1103